Sunday, December 13, 2009

John Mayer was so wrong

It's easy to want real life to be a dream, just something you must "rise above", but when you start dealing with the goverenment, collegic insititutions, and pissed off parents it becomes abundantly clear that real life is very, very real. It's real as hell, in fact.
2 months. I've been out of school for two months, and what do I have to show for it? A lv. 35 Lucario on Pokemon: Diamond, some bruises, scars, a $1200 ticket to the city of South Bloomfield, Ohio annnd not much else. It seemed like a good idea, dropping out, I was stressed. Unsure about what I wanted from life, what I wanted to do and be, who I wanted to become. I started seeing a psych, taking some anxiety pills, hoping something would happen that would help me to take care of myself. Well now real life sets in, in a big way. I need to get a job, I need to figure out what I'm doing, I need to realize that I'm 18 and that I NEED to begin taking care of myself. I'm moving away tomorrow. Away from the small town I was raised in, the town I've lived my whole life in, and going to the capital city. The big C-Bus, Columbus, OH. Moving in with my father, whom until tomorrow I've only seen on every other weekend and on some major holidays. Join me? Together we'll figure out what the hell is going on..

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