Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The New Car Smell Has Already Worn Off

Not a month into the first year, and I've already made up with Joshua and am back to not talking to him. lol.

But he's an asshole, let's focus on other things. Good things.

1. 100 book challenge

I'm going to attempt to read 100 books this year I'm going to post a list in a seperate blog and update it as I read books. I have 2 so far so I need to get on the ball....

2. Job- The constant struggle

I still don't have a job, and god I want one soo bad. It's soul crushing not having the stability of SOMETHING in my life.. which leads me to

3. College?

I keep thinking about going back, but I'm terrified, AND I have student loans I have to pay off

4. Growing Up

Still a work in progress.

I'll leave you with a link to a movie that looks absolutely slammin'

Friday, January 1, 2010

(So, this is the new year?)I'm at FNM, I know, I know, what a gay. Lol.

But I digress, new years. It was... Suprisingly awesome. No mean things were said, and I got to see my best friend from grade/middle/high school. I hadn't seen her in a while so it was really nice. I didn't have any problems making conversation, and didn't feel all that awkward we I just wallflowered it up. AND I went to Walmart drunk, which was soo fun. Lolol, nothing beats singing Lady Gaga in line at Walmart at one in the morning.
"These people don't give a fuck about my blood alcohol level," an actual quote from last night.
Resolution: Go Veg! Doing well so far, btw! =D